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AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

The Simon game is the exciting electronic ⚡ game of lights 💡 and sounds 🔊 in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored 🚦pads in the correct order.


AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

Hey ! Here is the newsletter project, you can use it!


Siddhant-Patil0203's github profile

We bridge the physical gap between a tailor and the customers through our platform. Providing customers a choice of the tailors and the tailors with an increased reach for customers.

Pet Store

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

pet store is a e-commerce website for adopting pets

Developer Portfolio

lorenzomiscoli's github profile

Software developer portfolio to showcase your work and skills.

Gym Application

Akshatchaube01's github profile

This website allows users to add their favorite exercises with a video demonstration, blogs and diet plans.

An spotify Clone

Sahilll15's github profile

Songyfy is an outstanding Spotify Clone leveraging ReactJS and the Spotify API. Immerse yourself in the world of music as you explore your favorite tunes, artists, and playlists, all within this impressive web application.


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Build a hospital management system with an MVC design pattern that provides 6 different facilities for users to book, claim and inquire about various services. Reviewed under Admin dashboard with all CRUD operations under secured access control.

Encipher | Decipher

siddarthdayala's github profile

A simple encryption/decryption website which allows users to encrypt/decrypt messages using three different cryptographic ciphers along with a key


Parmesh119's github profile

reactjs Application